

Two-Thousand and Six, Euro-pean Trip

I got nuthin'. Absolutely nuthin'.
'Cept this. . . my rough (and I mean really rough) itinerary for the next two months.

2/15 Fly outta SFO
2/16 Get into London
Nottingham, London and ??? for a bit.
2/27 TC flies into London, we Chunnel it to Brussels.
(This is where the dates, they ain't so firm.)
2/27-3/1 in Brussels
3/2 - 4 in Munich (might have a beer here)
5 - 6 in Geneva
7 - 8 in Tasch (snowplay in Zermat)
9 travel overnight to Avignon, France
10 - 11 Avignon (watch Paris/Nice bike race)
11 or 12 to Barcelona
13 - 15 in Bilbao, Spain
16 - 17 in Dublin (St. Paddy's Day)
18 - 20 in London
21st TC leaves (awww)
3/21 thru 4/11
Pillage my way through the UK, raping the horses and riding off on the women.
Definite stops include Cardiff and Edinburgh. Other than that it's an open book.
4/12 fly back into SFO

My apologies for making this so dry. I'll do my mightiest to update this fairly often.
Please don't think that I'll be neglecting my email accounts.
Love and cheetos to all.

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