

The Bosses Have Gone Home

After tomorrow we'll have brought in 67 containers this week.  There's about 320 total for the project so that's a pretty good chunk for one week.  That leaves only 19 containers left for next week which is a walk in the park.  The ship is struggling in a few areas but overall it's looking quite amazing.  My bosses (literally; my manager, director and VP) were here this week which kinda slowed things down a little.  Not too bad though and it was good to have them see a little of what I'm doing here.  Of course my manager has done 3 ships here so it was nothing new to him.  Went on the piss last night so I'm trying to turn in early tonight.  There will be plenty of time to celebrate once this behemoth sails away on the 29th and I have a long Halloween weekend in a downtown Turku hotel before returning to the states around November 3rd.  Can't wait for that meeting in downtown Miami on November 4th. . . right. 

I'm lookin' at Thanksgiving with family in Idaho, possibly Xmas with broham in Wisconsin and definitely a visit to the Bay Area in early January right before I fly to Singapore for my next project.  Maybe I should try for a few days in Tokyo right before since I gotta fly through there anyway.  Gotta get off the eternal, infernal machine now.  G'night.

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