

Travel Update Version 8.4.9

Well another month gone and here's the latest and greatest. There's a few more pictures up on Flickr (link on right) and I'll try to start getting Oasis pictures up starting next week. So. . .

August 7-9 in Seattle: Last wedding of the season!

8/11 - 10/31 in Turku, Finland: Oasis of the Seas new build project.

Thanksgiving? Christmas?


January 18-28 in Singapore: Legend of the Seas dry dock.

April 18 - May 3 in Freeport, Bahamas: Freedom of the Seas and Celebrity Century dry docks.

August - November in Turku, Finland: Allure of the Seas new build project.

If that doesn't make much sense to anyone I guess the main thing to take away from this is that I MIGHT not be traveling as much next year. By the end of 2009 I'll have been out of the country for about 6 months. . . 2010 looks like it might be less than 4 months. Of course all things are subject to change and I imagine things won't stay this way.

For now suffice to say that I leave for Finland on Monday so I hope to catch quite a few people on the ol' telephonic cellular devices this week and weekend. After that I'll be trying to use Skype with my work computer (not always a plan that works). I hope this finds everyone enjoying summer in one way or another.

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