Just a little ditty to inform any party that may be concerned with my mental health that my roommate is ninety-nine percent sure that she is going to be taking a job on board a private yacht that is sailing to the Western side of Mexico via the Panama Canal for six months. I have tentatively agreed to continue to reside at her place while she's gone for just a little bit more money. I am fully aware that I might be asking for trouble but I've been looking at places I can afford on my own and especially when they come fully furnished they are little boxes for way too much money.

Can't pass up the chance to have a 2/2 all to my self for a while. I might send a few pics once I get all the mannequins and other weird shit down off the walls and various other places. Don't ask, I've been living in a strange situation for a while now.
Point is that change is a foot which seems to be how I like it. Now if I can just make myself wait a little longer till I pull the trigger on that big screen/surround sound system I've had my eye on. . .
Here's to change, and to Fridays. . .
The 2/2 (sans mannequins) part sounds nice but the real attraction obviously is the shuffleboard courts. Can't get me enough of the shuffleboard...careful, its a scorcher!
Bastardo! How DARE you mock the shuffle board. They run thousand dollar games out there!!! You gotta give a c-note to a guy named Vinnie just to get in the league!
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