


Quimper 2
Originally uploaded by A Ditlefsen.
As promised there are more pictures from my drive around Brittany up on Flickr. But if you're bored enough to look at all the pictures on Flickr then you've obviously got time to write my bored ass an email.

Not actually that bored of course but being over here ain't like travelling like I've done in the past. Without travelling to a new destination every few days I do find myself a little bored with just work to do. However, last night BB and I hit the pub to watch the Man-U/AC Milan game. Excellent match that Man-U took 3-2 on an amazing goal in the 92nd minute. Another good match on tonight with Chelsea FC vs. Liverpool.

Got a fun phone call from the Port Agent last night around six o'clock. We had been expecting a shipment of mattresses for the Constellation but normally they come in forty-foot containers, just regular shipping containers. Well the mattresses come from Italy and since we're so close the shipping company decided to just load everything onto trailers instead of containers. Whoops. First of all the ship won't be here for almost another week which means I now have to find the means to offload two-hundred mattresses per trailer AND I need to have warehouse space to store them. If the mattresses come in containers as they should I can just drop the whole container on the pier and leave it there. Secondly, the way we load mattresses on board ships is by hanging the container against the side while fifty guys unload it. How am I supposed to get these mattresses on board the ship now. Of course there are answers to that but my biggest concern is that there may be four of these trucks which equals ~eight-hundred mattresses.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but if it's not one thing it's another and everyone is using every muscle but the one that counts. (And I'll just tell you that I'm talking about the brain before you sickos get any further in your thought process.)
Back to work. All of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what do you have when its 6pm in France and you've got:
4 trucks
0 40 foot containers
1 ship a week out
50 guys
2 cranes
0 warehouses
and 800 mattresses from italy right now?

not a priceless moment

one pissed off Difflebopper thats what