

Tuolomne Element

Tuolomne Element
Originally uploaded by A Ditlefsen.
It's been almost a year since I've posted and I'm sure anyone who actually reads this has enjoyed the break. This post isn't much but it signifies the re-birth of my use of this blog. I'm on my way to Hollywood, Florida to start a new job with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. At this moment I am in Flagstaff for a wedding that will happen manana. The specifics of my acquisition of this new job and pictures from the past year will hopefully be forthcoming. . . but don't hold your breath too long. I will end my road trip around the 29th of March when I reach southern Florida. I start my new job April 2nd. So, as you can tell I've got a bit of travelling and life changes to take care of in the next week before I can get back to sharing my travels online. Feel free to appreciate this picture of my new Element parked near Tuolomne Grove in Yosemite next to a rather stylish commode. The picture is courtesy of my big bro, Ik.
Good times, good times.

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