

Checking In

Been working sixteen hour days on the Celebrity Mercury transformation into Mein Schiff 2 here in Bremerhaven, Germany.  I wouldn't say good times exactly. . . a bit dry for my normal habits if you know what I mean.  However, we've gotten a good start and a veritable metric ton of work done every day so I guess job satisfaction will have to be my current drug.  May get a few hours off this weekend. . . wishful thinking is just that.


2011. . . For Now

I'm trying out TripIt to keep better track of my travels but I think without a Pro Account it is pretty generic and has a few quirks. Prime example is that the automatically generated calendar below shows my trip from Turku to Copenhagen on January thirtieth but fails to show the second leg of that trip which will take me to Bremen where I actually have work to do. Not that I wouldn't mind working in Copenhagen but. . . well, I guess I am "stuck" there for eight hours so maybe the program assumes I'll be staying.

My work in Copenhagen will have to consist of working at the bars for a few hours.