Say hello to George.
I'm still in Edinburgh at the moment but I'll be flying home tomorrow (Wed. April 12th). Should get in sometime after 5pm and I'm looking forward to fighting my way home on BART (though possibly I'll just be sitting my way home without any real fighting).
The last two weeks have been wonderful. I've stayed with Trekkers the whole time and everyone has done their best to spoil me. Staying with local people has definitely allowed me to see a lot of things that I would not see otherwise. En totale I've seen seventeen people out of the eighty-seven who took a trip with me last summer. Not too bad all things considered.
Everyone is probably going to ask me what my favorite part of the trip has been but I truly can't answer that. Attempting to snowboard in Switzerland was certainly the most humbling and possibly the most beautiful in a natural sense. The city that I most want to return to is probably Barcelona (though Dublin is a close second because I didn't really see much of anything there). I can't even name the place that provided me with the best parties. . . different people and different venues in every city and country. Oh well, I suppose I can just wimp out and say that every part is my favorite part. That's it for now. I'll try to put up some of the more interesting individual stories as I go through my photos and remember them. Plenty of pics up on flickr if you're bored.
I'm sorry to report that my next trip probably won't occur until the end of May when I head to Flag to help TC run a bike race.
Hope to see you all soon.
Don't ask.