No, no. I don't have any good advice for You. What the hell can You
learn from some punk-26-year-old kid who just quit his full-time,
decent-paying job to drag some foreigners all over the country. . . .
Oh yeah, possibly a lot.
No, my eldest bro told me I should post whilst I happen to be online
right now. That was the good advice.
I should be in bed, preparing for my big day of packing and minor
surgeries tomorrow, but then I never was known for a lack of
procrastination, so why disappoint?
(A technology update for my man SG at SFD. . . I was just instant
messaging with my brother who is down south. 'I.M.' is a great tool
that allows you to type messages back and forth fairly quickly with
your relatives wherever they are in the country. (ed. note: 'I.M' is
usually done from one 'computer' with internet access to another
'computer' with internet access) Seeing as how your boy will be in
college pretty soon maybe you should pick up some typing lessons and
once you get off the ol' hunt'n'peck process you will be able to
converse with your boy all the time without that akward point where he
asks you for more money over the phone and you act like you didn't
hear him. The beauty of the internt, Larry, is that you can always
act like your internet connection failed on you. Completely
respectable excuse in the 'modern' world.)
I guess my update didn't really update anything. . . though it may
have elevated my mood. I'm seriously considering paying for an
internet connection through my cell phone so that I can update this
SOB all the time. . . rather than once a week or less. That way I can
type to my heart's content and nobody will ever be able to say that I
didn't tell them what I was up too.
T-minus 15.5 hours to go and I haven't actually packed. Nevermind
that it feels like I'm packing for an eternity. I suppose my rational
is that anything I leave behind in the chaos wasn't meant to go along
(or hopefully I have the money to buy it on the road). That being
said I feel that I've got a pretty fine arsenal of crap to take with
me. I've avoided new clothes due to my Fat Bastard like belly but
I've got some mighty fine new bags and camping gear to boast about.
Besides, I can't always fall back on superior electronic firepower.
That'll keep me warm in the middle of the desert at 3am. . . won't it?
Watched a documentary on a group of soldiers in Iraq tonight. I don't
want to get too political on this site (most of you know where I
stand) but I'd like to wish the best to the children of Charlie and
Jim at SFD. . . and anyone/everyone else that I either know and didn't
mention or don't know but would enjoy the pleasure of meeting. My
utmost respect to the girls and boys stuck out in the sand.